1. Please rate your satisfaction with the conference Great event Fantastic conference The best conference on the subject :-)
2. How could TSD be even better?
3. What additional TSD topics would be of interest to you?
4. How did you get wind of TSD? I have participated in previous years From a colleague who has participated E-mailed Calls for Papers, Demos and Participation Printed calls published at other conferences Personal info from one of the organizers Active web search Printed conference leaflet Others, please specify in less than 5000 words :-)
5. Do you have access to the electronic version of TSD proceedings in Springer Link? Yes No
6. We are planning to replace the book proceedings with lower cost CD-ROM proceedings (from Springer, in the same series). A printed version of proceedings will be still available as a special order from Springer. Would you like to keep the current printed proceedings for all participants replace them with Springer CD-ROM proceedings with the option to (individually) order a printed copy from Springer
7. How could TSD be more advertised and popularised in your surroundings?
8. Do you have a tip on a potential sponsor of the next TSD?
9. Do you think conference fee is very low low adequate high very high
10. Do you plan to attend the next TSD? Yes No
11. Name (optional)
12. We want to send the Call for Papers to all e-mail lists with possibly interested members - can you tell us what e-mail lists we have missed?
13. Additional comments